Do you feel like you’ve hit a plateau in the HR area of your ministry? These days, it is easy to get caught up in just getting work done. Many of us are overwhelmed with daily tasks. Assessing how your HR functions can provide insight into how you can more effectively manage your staff to reach your ministry’s goals.
Streamline your current processes Coordinating your organizational procedures and processes is a powerful tool in improving the overall efficiency of your operations. Technology advancements and developing internal communications systems can help to remove work silos. Conducting an HR assessment will also help your ministry identify new policies and procedures that could further improve your organizational effectiveness.
Personnel file audits Auditing your files to ensure compliance with federal laws can save you from potential penalties and legal fees. Reviewing personnel files can help your ministry catch errors or identify missing documentation, will allow your HR team to correct these errors, and confirm that your ministry has proper personnel files. This also could be a great time to check your staff and volunteers for any personnel file updates that may be needed. Information like mailing addresses and contact information can cause major headaches when they aren’t updated regularly.
Identify your organization’s culture, goals, and resources. How familiar are your organization's personnel and stakeholders with your ministry’s culture and goals? An HR assessment can assist your ministry in identifying and communicating the core values of your work. Examining your ministry’s current resources can help you create a strategy around to achieve your goals and identify areas where your ministry will need assistance. This could lead to strategic partnerships that can help you achieve your goals.
Reveal effectiveness blockers There may be internal policies and procedures that restrict or completely block your organization from making changes necessary to improve your effectiveness. For example, setting up online giving or donation portals can help your ministry secure financial resources, but your ministry’s policies could make setting that up difficult. Identifying potential barriers your ministry may face will help you better prepare and equip your organization and personnel.
Being proactive about improving your organization’s functionality will help your ministry optimize its resources and capitalize on its opportunities. The Human Resources Team at UMC Support can help you conduct a thorough assessment and develop strategies to increase your effectiveness. Contact our Connectional Relations team today to set up an HR Assessment with our experienced team.